
Pixel people
Pixel people

pixel people

  • Initiate checkout: Someone starts the checkout process to buy something from your site.
  • Add to wishlist: Someone adds a product to a wishlist on your site.
  • Add to cart: Someone adds a product to their shopping cart on your site.
  • Add payment info: Someone enters their payment information in the purchase process on your website.

  • Complete registration: Someone completes a registration form on your site, such as a subscription form.
  • Lead: Someone signs up for a trial or otherwise identifies themselves as a lead on your site.
  • Purchase: Someone completes a purchase on your website.

    The 17 standard Facebook pixel events for which you can simply copy and paste Facebook event code are: Facebook calls these actions “events.” Facebook pixel standard events The pixel tracks various actions people take on your website, like making a purchase or adding something to their shopping cart. It’s also important for tracking, analytics, and overall ad optimization. Remarketing is not the only function of the Facebook pixel. It’s a handy way for marketers to remind shoppers to come back and buy all those items they leave in various shopping carts across the web. The next time I opened up Instagram, this ad popped up in Stories:Īnd, sure enough, the next time I headed to Facebook on my laptop… Then I got distracted by thinking about breakfast and put down my phone. I swiped up to check out the bathmat, and even added it to my shopping cart. (At the time, I was thinking about my decorating my apartment, not the Facebook pixel, so I didn’t screencap – you’ll just have to trust me on this.) The Facebook pixel works by placing and triggering cookies to track users as they interact with your business both on and off of Facebook and Instagram.įor example, I recently spotted a very cute bathmat in the Instagram Stories of interior design YouTuber Alexandra Gater. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads, build targeted audiences for future ads and remarket to people who have already taken some kind of action on your website. The Facebook pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website.


    Find out how to reach the right customers, lower your cost-per-click, and more. Bonus: Download a free guide that shows you how to save time and money on your Facebook ads.

    Pixel people